
Where Am I?

Run/bike on Spokane's Millenial Trail

I like to geek out while having real experiences. I maintain an extensive GPS database from my hikes, bikes, runs, and skis dating back to 2008. Feel free to follow the georss feed, explore the map above or download the GPS tracks below.

Distance:4.0 km
Track time:0:31:32
Wall time:0:34:44

It took us a while to figure out how to do our run and check out from the hotel, but we managed to make it happen. Amber biked while Rosie and I ran. The trail was beautiful and interesting with the river, lots of sculptures, and underpasses under the major roads. It reminded me a lot of the Eugene River Trail and gave me the strong feeling of why I originally fell in love with running. Nothing like that up here in Nelson! We missed a turn where we were supposed to cross the river and we ended up doing a sketchy road crossing and going down a grungy trail where a team of landscapers had left their leaf blowers across the trail. Eventually we all had to go to the bathroom, but couldn't find one, so we turned around and had a painful run back to the park. Couldn't find an open bathroom there, so we had a painful walk back to the hotel.

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