
Where Am I?

Hiking the PCT: Day 9

I like to geek out while having real experiences. I maintain an extensive GPS database from my hikes, bikes, runs, and skis dating back to 2008. Feel free to follow the georss feed, explore the map above or download the GPS tracks below.

Distance:37.79 km
Track time:11:23:59
Wall time:22:34:05

End: 2604.1 Start: 2580.6 Total: 23.5 Up before dawn, 6am start Beautifully cool < 20 until 11. Easy 4% grade on the long climb. Good tree coverage. Beautiful pass + easy grade. Passed this giant group from Outward Bound. Weird dudes who asked me if I knew any jokes @ 8am.Hot traverse after Granite Pass. Early camp met Dan. Europeans got naked. Camp invaded by OB but the group was actually really awesome. UL backpacking course, Dan, Skyler, Tammie "Tim Tam Sham"

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